Educational Advancement Support

We provide services to find suitable schools for students by referring their abilities to desirable schools such as national, public or private universities, and /or colleges of technology, and provide coaching for interviews and entrance examinations.

Also, we will introduce students seeking jobs to places of employment that suit their interests and will support them in obtaining work visas.


Introduction to institutions of higher education, Preparation for interviews, Preparation for various exams, Introduction to places of employment

Introduction to institutions of higher education

In order to go on to university it is necessary to take the EJU exam which will be held in June and November.
After, students take the exams of each university individually.(Some universities require to have English exams.)

EJU is different from JLPT. Examinees are required at least N2 level of Japanese ability.
In order to go on to national/public or famous private university, examinees are required N1 level.

In order to go on a national/public university, examinees must take two subjects from the EJU exam,
math and comprehensive subjects for BA, and two from math, biology, physics and chemistry for BS.

Preparation for Entrance Exam

science and mathematics teacher Mr. Wu Guan Yang

Generally, the EUJ has a large number of questions, and all of the science and mathematics examinations are the multiple-choice tests. We will advise you on how to obtain a high score in this unique Japanese examination system.

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